Manpower Export to Japan under Technical Intern Training Program (TITP)

Japan’s steadily declining population has led to serious labor shortages. According to the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, the country’s population will shrink by more than 40 million over the next 45 years. By 2060, people 65 and over will make up an estimated 40 percent of the population. The number of working-age people has been decreasing since the mid1990s and is projected to continue dropping over the coming decades. These sharp demographic changes have left Japan with a strong need for foreign labor and to cope with,TITP was established in 1993.

Technical Intern Training Program (TITP)

Technical Intern Training Program aims to contribute to developing countries by accepting people from these countries for a certain period of time (maximum 5 years) and transferring skills through on job training (OJT). This program was established in 1993. However, after receiving criticism related to exploitation of labor under this program, an Act on Proper Technical Intern Training and Protection of Technical Intern Trainees (“Technical Intern Training Act”) was promulgated on November 28, 2016 and came into effect on November 1, 2017.

Pakistan’s Participation in TITP

A Memorandum of Cooperation on TITP was signed on 26th February 2019 between Pakistan and Japan. M/o Federal Education & Professional Training signed agreement from Pakistan side. At present, there are 20 participating countries (See Attachment – A) and a total of 378,302 internees are living in Japan (as of end June 2020) including 22 internees from Pakistan. These 22 internees joined in Japan prior to signing of MoC.

Stakeholders other than signatory Ministries – Japan Side

Sr # Agency Name
1 Immigration Services Agency / Japan Embassy in Pakistan is responsible for issuance of internee visa on the basis of approved accreditation plan by OTIT.
2 Organization for Technical Intern Training (OTIT) is responsible for registration of supervising organizations, allow agreements between supervising and sending organizations and accreditation of internees work plan submitted by implementing organizations.
3 Supervising Organizations (Kumiais) are the associations of different companies (Implementing organizations) having the mandate to connect with sending organizations of participating counties (through agreements prescribed by OTIT).
4 Implementing Organizations are the companies for technical training of internees. These organizations usually have membership of a supervising organization and allowed to hire internees through it.
5 Japan International Trainee & Skilled Worker Cooperation Organization (JITCO) promotes the acceptance of foreign human resources such as technical intern trainees and foreigners with specific skills, and to contribute to the development of the international economy and society.

Stakeholders– Pakistan Side

Sr # Agency Name
1 M/o Federal Education & Professional Training is responsible to declare OEPs/Other entities as approved sending organizations under MoC as per agreed criteria (See Attachment – B).
2 Sending Organizationsare OEPs/Other entities approved by M/o FE&PT as approved sending organizations for dispatching internees to Japan under MoC. At present, there are 03 approved sending organizations of Pakistan (NAVTTC, NUTECH and BEOE)
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