Frequently Asked Questions on Trade and Investment

  1. What role can Embassy play for the betterment of business relations?
  2. Embassy of Pakistan in Tokyo has been actively involved in spreading information regarding opportunities of trade and investment between Pakistan and Japan. Any Japanese company can approach the Embassy for any particular product or sector specific information. The Embassy also represent Pakistan at various trade exhibitions and seminars.

  3. Does Japan charge tariff on imports from Pakistan?
  4. Yes, there are duty and taxes applicable on Pakistani products entering Japan.

  5. What rule and regulation apply to imports from Pakistan to Japan?
  6. Relevant Ministries in Japan have set different standards requirements for different products which are applicable on products coming from Pakistan as well. These quality requirements are updated by the relevant organizations/ departments in Japan and well publicized on their websites.

  7. What language is preferred in Japan for conducting business?
  8. Japanese language.

  9. Are there any official or private bodies that the Pakistani companies should directly contact?
  10. All cities in Japan have business chambers and industrial associations, however mainly for international companies to conduct business in Japan JETRO is the first organization to go to:

  11. What is the legal framework between Pakistan and Japan for the protection of investment?
  12. Pakistan and Japan are signatory to a Bilateral Investment Treaty.

  13. How can Embassy assist in dispute resolution?
  14. Mostly business disputes are civil matters and are resolved through legal channels; however, the Embassy can guide the complainants, and can also refer cases to Ministry of Commerce’s Trade Dispute Resolution Organization (TDRO):

  15. How can I find suitable partner for my products?
  16. Participating in trade fairs and exhibitions is the major source of business networking in Japan.

  17. How can I start my business in Japan?
  18. Please refer to JETRO’s guide on setting up a business in Japan:

  19. How should I establish contact with the Embassy for the business?
  20. You can contact Trade & Investment Section at the Embassy either through email:
    or phone: +81-3-5421-3606

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